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Natural Language Processing Services (NLP)

With our NLP services, we aim at enhancing and meeting your business requirements. With a curated team in hand, our NLP services serves a wide range of language processing applications.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) Services

With our NLP services, we aim at enhancing and meeting your business requirements. With a curated team in hand, our NLP services serves a wide range of language processing applications.


Text Tagging

We analyze and add tags to unstructured data with appropriate labels and classes so that your model derives better insight from them.


Named Entity Extraction

Our NLP services enable you to mark and extract various entities like person, organisation, locations, etc. from unstructured text data.


Sentiment Analysis

We help you recognize and classify emotional information from your data through our NLP services.


Information Extraction

Our NLP experts can help you breakdown large texts by extracting and summarizing important information from it.


Text Summarization

With our NLP services you can list appropriate keywords from a long text and create an abstract of the same.


POS Tagging

We analyze your text data and assign specific Parts Of Speech (POS) tag to each word in the corpus-based on its context and definition.


Machine Translation

Our team of linguistic experts can help you translate your data into another language of your choice.


Mapping and Grouping

In this particular use case we analyse Q&A documents to map and group text snippets. The answer snippets are mapped to corresponding question numbers and answers are grouped on the basis of correct, blank or incorrect.

Medical Documentation

Medical Record Documentation

Medical records can be huge ranging from patients personal details to their medical histories. We accurately label them to process quality training data for training computer vision and NLP systems used in medical data handling.